Work station access control and user software application monitoring

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If high level of information security, real time monitoring of stuff availability or data log archive of user activity/making a copy of files and data on some media/ is needed, if You are looking for achieving a certification according International standarts – System for information security management ISO 27000, we could offer a necessary equipment for achieving the desired requirements and needs.

This solution insludes hardware and software developed by Global Data Ltd. A GD2010IDCR USB card reader and MS GINA library are the main tools in the system. User name, password and ID card registered in server data base are needed for work station windows logon and network resource access. The system functionality is configured and managed through the software platform Automation & Security Center GD2010ASC. When in action the software is continuously monitoring ifthere is a registered card on the desktop reader for such user and work station and is practically impossible to log onto windows and start a work station or terminal without the necessary combination of authentication attributes. Standart ID cards at 125Khz and 13.56Mhz are used. The system delivers many different scenario as for example – if a member of the stuff has not entered the building its card could not start a work station or a terminal. Different reports could be generated according to many variables but with one and the same target – tracking the real working time of employees in every software application as well as tracking the process of copying of files and data on a media or in some other way in order to make it available outside the organization.

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